Category: Uncategorised

Aloe Vera and Forget me nots Y3/4 (Miss Graham and Miss Weir) Wow Day Wednesday 4th November

Our new topics are all about the Romans! For our WOW day, please can the children bring a tunic/Toga style outfit to wear on Wednesday 4th November (over the top of their uniform).

Packed lunches from the Vibe

“People of Whitfield (Community Group) will be providing free packed lunches for school  children over the half term holiday. The lunch bags will be available for collection at Pure Vibes centre on  Ebenezer Street between 11.30 and 12.30 from Monday to Friday.  If interested please let us know how many lunches you will be collecting,  along …

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Update 23/10/2020 and Parents Evening

Dear Pupils, Parents and Guardians,  We are at half term already and time has gone very quickly. This has been a very different start to the year but it has been  hugely positive. The atmosphere in school has been wonderful and I am very proud of all of our pupils. They have settled in well …

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Y4/5/6 Daisies and Honeysuckle Stargazers Wow Day 02.11.2020

On Monday 2nd November, children in Mrs Collins and Mr Doyle’s class are invited to come into school dressed in space themed clothing. They could be in all black like the night sky, covered in stars, planets or dressed as an alien or astronaut ! We will learning about all sorts of things about stars …

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Y6 Wildflowers Mexican Wow Day 02.11.2020

On Monday 2nd November, children in Mr Ford’s class are invited to come into school dressed in traditional Mexican dress or to come into school in bright colours. We will be setting off on a magical (virtual) tour of Mexico! We will start to learn about the amazing vibrant colours and culture of Mexico. During …

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School Photographs Tuesday 03/11/2020

School photographs will take place on Tuesday 3rd November 2020. There will be some changes to keep the staff and children safe.  The proofs will be sent home by school and all orders and payments will be done online.. The children will be standing, rather than sitting.  Siblings will have their picture taken but only …

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Light Magazine Tanzania Trust

Light magazine Tanzania trust page website

Harvest donations for the Grace Kitchen

I can’t thank you all enough for your donations today, it was overwhelming. All donations will be distributed locally, through the Grace kitchen and will support local families. 

Update 16/10/2020

Good afternoon,  I can’t believe we are in the middle of October already and we have one more week until half term. This has been a great half term and I am really proud of all of our school community for way everyone has approached our new way of living and learning. The atmosphere in …

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Text message issues and reporting issues

Good morning,  I hope you are all well in these interesting times.  I believe there have been some issues with some parents not getting text messages. The messages I have checked have shown they have been delivered but if there are any issues, please contact school and we will update numbers and investigate problems.  We …

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