Category: Uncategorised

Message for pupils and Zoom catch up

Good morning Everyone,  I hope you are all well and enjoying home learning. It is clear from the emails you are sending and google classrooms, that you are all working really hard.  This is a different type of learning and I am really proud of how you are all adapting. I would really like to …

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Possible Nursery Opening

The government guidance regarding nurseries in a primary setting have changed a number of times. We have seven keyworker and vulnerable children bubbles in school, which include nursery children. This is a survey to see if you would send your child(ren) into nursery if we were able to open fully. We have a list of …

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Request for second hand laptops

Good evening,  If anyone has or knows anyone who has an unused laptop and you are willing to donate them to our school, please drop them off at school or email me at The hard drives will be wiped, the laptops cleaned up and given to families to use at home to support learning …

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Parent request for additional devices

Dear Parents and Carers,  We know that not everyone has a device or enough devices to support google classrooms and home learning. We are going to access as many of the local charities as possible and request second hand laptops from our school community. They will be wiped and cleaned up. We can’t make any …

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Home Learning Expectations

Good afternoon,  I hope you are all well.  Good afternoon,  I hope you are all well.  Everyone’s circumstances are different and many people are working from home and supporting their children’s learning. The vast majority of pupils have logged onto google classrooms and everyone is working hard. We have provided a lot of work per …

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Update 09/01/2021

Good afternoon,  I won’t make a habit of weekend updates but I wanted to thank the whole school community for all your support and patience this week. I suspect the word ‘normal’ will need some redefinition but whatever the definition, this hasn’t been a normal week. All the staff have been working tirelessly to minimise …

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School will be closed on Friday 08/01/2021 Due to the forecast of heavier snow all day and some staff can’t safely travel, school will be closed today. I am sorry for the inconvenience. Mr Woodward.

Update 06/01/2021

Update 04/01/2021 and Key worker survey

Forget-me-nots – WOW Day