Category: Uncategorised

Guitar lessons with Ed

Please see the video and letter below for more information about guitar lessons in school with Ed.  Mr Woodward Guitar letter

Rotary Glossop Jog 2021

The Glossop Jog is back and is at 11am on 10th October at the Redgra at the bottom of Pikes Lane.  Our school is going to take part and we would like as many families to take part as possible.  If you are interested, please fill out the online survey below and we will send …

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Clothing Giveaway Thursday 23rd September

We are going to have a clothing giveaway in the playground starting at 3:10pm on Thursday 23rd September. We will put out all the clothes we have and please come along with carrier bags and take any clothes you need. It is that simple.  Donations – If you want to donate any children’s clothes and …

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Class pages and weekly snapshot

Every Monday, each class page will have a new weekly snapshot.  This will include; An overview of what the class did the previous week. The star of the week. Examples of work for Maths, English and Topic. Any important information.  A new award, value of the week. Each half term we focus on a value …

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50 Reads Information

Please read below for information about our 50 reads initiative.  Have a great weekend. Mr Woodward 50 Reads September 2021

Hoodies for PE

Good afternoon,  I hope you are well and enjoying the sunshine.  I have contacted Bulldog fashion, who supply our school jumpers and they are going to produce a navy hoodie for our PE days.  This will be available with the logo, all the classes will be navy and they will be available from early October.  …

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Welcome Back – 03/09/2021

Good afternoon Everyone,  I hope you are all well and have had a great summer break. All the staff have been working hard to get ready for welcoming everyone back on Monday. We are looking forward to seeing everyone back in school.  If you have any questions, please use the email address in ‘contact’  on …

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Protected: Year 6 leaver’s play July 2021

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Mrs Fletcher Update

It is a pleasure to announce that Mrs Fletcher was successful yesterday in getting a job in SSSEN for Derbyshire. Mrs Fletcher has always had a special interest in children with SEND and this was one of those opportunities that don’t come along very often. We will be very sorry to lose Mrs Fletcher but …

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Protected: Year 6 leavers pictures

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