Craig Woodward

Most commented posts

  1. Don’t Worry, Be Happy — 7 comments
  2. Girls Football Team March 2019 — 1 comment
  3. PTA Film night 22/10/19 — 1 comment
  4. Whole School Chester Zoo Trip 26/11/19 — 1 comment

Author's posts

Hot Chocolate, Cakes and Clothes Feb 2020

Thank you to all who came and enjoyed a hot chocolate, cakes and took away bags of clothes.       


Please notify school immediately if anyone who has had contact with anyone in school  who has had a confirmed case of Coronavirus.  Please see the link below for advice the coronavirus from the website. This website  will be updated daily at 2pm until further notice.  Government advice regarding the coronavirusHeadteach Headteacher Letter Coronavirus 14 …

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Kinetic Theatre – Light Fantastic – 27/01/2020

The pupils and staff had a fantastic time at the light fantastic show this morning. The pupils learnt a lot about light and space.   

Mrs Gallagher non-uniform day

Mrs Gallagher was a teacher at the school for 40 years and touched the lives of hundreds of pupils and parents. She sadly lost her battle with cancer on the 4th February 2019.  To celebrate her contribution to our school and community, we are having a non-uniform day with Spring colours and odd shoes. Mrs …

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Termly Assessment Reports

Target Tracker is the system that we use to track the progress & attainment children in Years 1-6. Teachers use this continuously and report results to the Headteacher & Governors 3 times a year.   The school will now report to parents three times a year (once after Christmas, once after Easter and then in …

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Lights Camel Action Part 2 – Dec 2019

The play was great and the pupils enjoyed it. Thank you to all parents and friends of our school for supporting us and providing an audience.  Please find the pictures below.  Unfortunately, one of the video files has corrupted and I can’t upload the video. But the pictures are great. 

Christmas Service 19/12/19

The feedback from the Christmas service is that it is getting better, year on year and I would agree. Thank you to all of our musicians, professional musicians, Mrs Collins and Mrs Mackey for putting together a great service. 

Spring Rolls – Gold treat for Mrs Mackey’s and Mr Doyle’s class.

Congratulations to the pupils who got 5 or more golds, we are all very proud of you.  Thank you to Mrs Vikas who came in and made prawn crackers and spring rolls. Don’t panic, we will get to the other classes after Christmas. 

Choir Singing at the Rising Dec 2019

A big thank you to our choir for singing at the Risings nursing home and  Mrs Collins and Mr Jones who made it happen.   

Choir singing at Norfolk Square 18/12/19

Thank you to our fantastic choir for being outstanding ambassadors of our school and Mrs Collins for putting so much time and effort into our choir.