Craig Woodward

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  1. Don’t Worry, Be Happy — 7 comments
  2. Girls Football Team March 2019 — 1 comment
  3. PTA Film night 22/10/19 — 1 comment
  4. Whole School Chester Zoo Trip 26/11/19 — 1 comment

Author's posts

Covid Winter Grant Scheme

Covid Winter Grant Scheme We have been informed that Derbyshire County Council will be distributing the funding from the Covid Winter Grant Scheme directly to parents of children who are eligible for free school meals. Schools will not be distributing the electronic vouchers and have no control over the system. We do not know what the value of …

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Party food school dinner on Friday 18th December

The school dinner on Friday 18th December will be party food. To enable the kitchen to prepare the right number of sandwiches, please fill out the form below if your child is having a school dinner on that day. If your child is on free school meals, you still need to fill in the form …

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Dates leading up to Christmas

Christmas dates December 2020   Monday  7th Tuesday  8th Wednesday 9th Thursday 10th Friday 11th   This is the last day for bringing Christmas cards into school.   Christmas song video recording for:  Snowdrop and Bluebell- EYFS- Woodland Sunflower- Miss Taylor Waterlily- Mrs Cox and Mrs Madigan   Wildflowers- Mr Ford Christmas song video recording …

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Smartie Challenge

Smartie Challenge   From next week (WC 07/12/2020), we will be sending all children home with a smarties tube with smarties in or a suitable alternative, such as dairy free. The easier of the two challenges is to eat the chocolate and the more tougher challenge is to  collect 20p coins to go in the …

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Christmas Cards

Christmas Cards We have been asked whether children can bring in Christmas cards for other pupils. The answer is yes, but we will have to quarantine them for 72 hours between each step. We’ll therefore have a Christmas post box/tray in each classroom. Children may bring cards in during the week beginning 30th November and be placed into the postbox/tray. The last date for …

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Update 11/11/2020

Good evening,  We were doing very well and we were all hoping that we would not have any confirmed cases of Covid 19 in school. However, this was not to be and we have been instructed by the DFE to close Mrs Fletcher’s class and the staff and pupils will need to isolate until 21/11/2020 …

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Update 06/11/2020

Dear Parents and Carers,  I would like to thank you all for making our first week back really positive and it has been lovely to see everyone at the gate . With the start of another national lockdown, I know this is an anxious time for everyone. We are shielding the children from this pandemic …

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Children and young people’s mental health course

This is a children and young people’s mental health course fully funded by the government. Please read the details below and see the information leaflet. You can sign up on the link below but there is a charge of £150 if you don’t finish the course without a genuine reason.    Children and young peoples …

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Letter from the Director of Public Health.

Please see attached  a letter from the Director of Public Health. Letter for Parents and Carers Director of Public Health

Packed lunches from the Vibe

“People of Whitfield (Community Group) will be providing free packed lunches for school  children over the half term holiday. The lunch bags will be available for collection at Pure Vibes centre on  Ebenezer Street between 11.30 and 12.30 from Monday to Friday.  If interested please let us know how many lunches you will be collecting,  along …

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