Craig Woodward

Most commented posts

  1. Don’t Worry, Be Happy — 7 comments
  2. Girls Football Team March 2019 — 1 comment
  3. PTA Film night 22/10/19 — 1 comment
  4. Whole School Chester Zoo Trip 26/11/19 — 1 comment

Author's posts

Road Safety

Parents evening conversations

Easter Garden Competition 2021

A massive well done to everyone who sent in an Easter garden. They look amazing and it is clear that a lot of hard work has gone into them.  It was really hard choosing winners and all the children have got a small prize. The winners are listed below.  A massive thank you to Mrs …

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Nursery Easter Songs March 2021

Nursery Easter Songs

Testing information for parents and pupils

50+ Reads

Letter to parents – 50 reads

Appeal for reading glasses for our twin school in Dodoma (Tanzania)

We have linked with a school in Dodoma (Tanzania)  and some classes have already had letters from their twin students.  We are appealing for parents to send in any old reading glasses they have, complete with case and prescription too. They will be sent to the charity ‘Tanzania Trust UK’ who will ship them out …

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Update 19/03/2021 – Comic Relief and Reports

Good afternoon,  It feels like all the children have never been away and two weeks have gone very quickly. The atmosphere in school is lovely and the children have settled in well. Thank you to all families for following our Covid rules and helping keeping everyone safe.  Comic Relief The children look great in their …

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Advice on sleep leaflet

Many children have different sleep patterns and the leaflet below has some great tips on promoting a healthy sleep pattern. Getting enough sleep at the right time is really important for all children and adults.  SLEEP LEAFLET

Red Nose Day 19/03/2021

Red nose day raises lots of money for good causes. On Friday 19/03/2021, we will celebrate Red Nose Day by wearing non-uniform and having messy / wacky hair.  We will not be collecting any donations in school but if you would like to donate, please do so on the web link below.  Enjoy the day …

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