Craig Woodward

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  1. Don’t Worry, Be Happy — 7 comments
  2. Girls Football Team March 2019 — 1 comment
  3. PTA Film night 22/10/19 — 1 comment
  4. Whole School Chester Zoo Trip 26/11/19 — 1 comment

Author's posts

PTA Newsletter – 03/11/2021

PTA Newsletter Nov 2021

Parents evening cancelled

Good afternoon, Due to rising case numbers in school and rate of spreading, parents evening will be cancelled to prevent disruption to learning and to keep people safe.  I am sorry for any inconvenience caused.  More information will go out this week. Parents will liaise with teachers via email to arrange a 10 minute phone …

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Pupil Covid 19 Isolation form

Dear Parents, Carers and Pupils,  I hope you have all had a great half term break.  There have been a number of pupils and staff who have tested positive over the half term break and I hope everyone is feeling better.  We need to know when pupils become symptomatic or tested positive and when they …

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Year 6 Cake sale for the Bantama Project

Thank you all for supporting the Year 6 cake sale today. It was fantastic to see so much support for raising money for school equipment for a school in Bantama.  You all raised a fantastic £109.75. This will pay for 4 desks with money left over for other equipment.  I need to express just how …

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Cross Country Race 20/10/2021

Well done to everyone who competed in the cross country race yesterday at Glossopdale. It was wet, muddy, cold and everyone had a great time. You all ran brilliantly and we are very proud of all of you.  We are waiting on the results but I think you all did very well.  Thank you to …

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Reading drop in sessions KS2 and improving reading skills information

Thank you to the parents and carers who supported the KS2 reading workshop today, it was great to see you there. Below is a parents’ guide to supporting your child with reading, using the Vipers themed questions that we use in school. Reading Vipers Parents Guide Miss Warburton (Head of KS2)

Year 5 and 6 Puberty talks

Please see the letter below for information about the year 5 and 6 puberty talks after half term.  Miss Warburton Year 5 and 6 Puberty Letter

Cross Country – Years 3-6 – Wednesday 3:45pm – 4:30pm

Good afternoon.  It is fantastic that so many pupils are taking part in the cross country event. Glossopdale have needed to change the finish time to 4:30pm and they have advised that it is very slippy. Football boots can be worn if you have them. Please don’t purchase any, just for the event.  Pupils need …

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Miss Warburton’s class orienteering 12/10/2021

Well done to Miss Warburton’s class who took part in the orienteering event at Glossopdale on Tuesday 12/10/2021.  Well done to the team who came second. All the pupils were great role models and represented school very well. We are all very proud of them.  Mr Woodward

Parent Drop in sessions W/C 18/10/2021

Good afternoon,  We are having parent drop in sessions during the W/C 18/10/2021. In order for teachers to plan how many people will be attending, please fill in the form below if you intend to come.    We are looking forward to seeing you in school.  Mr Woodward Parent drop in sessions sign up form …

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