Craig Woodward

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  1. Don’t Worry, Be Happy — 7 comments
  2. Girls Football Team March 2019 — 1 comment
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  4. Whole School Chester Zoo Trip 26/11/19 — 1 comment

Author's posts

Cross Country 24/11/2021

PTA donation and non-uniform day

Friday 19th November is the PTA non-uniform day. All pupils can wear non-uniform and bring in an optional donation and some suggestions are listed below.  Nursery, Reception, & KS1 (Yr1 & Y2) – Christmas items. This can be anything associated with Christmas including: Christmas cards, baubles, wrapping paper, Christmas napkins, crackers, Christmas treats, including chocolates, biscuits, …

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PTA Hamper Raffle

Thank you all for the fantastic donations for the hampers. Have a look at the pictures, the hampers are really good and Mrs Rimmer has worked really hard to put them together.  Friday 19th November is another non-uniform and donation day and there will be more hampers made from these donation.  Shepley’s Butchers are also …

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Bantama School update and thank you video

These are the first two desks for which we fundraised, for the school in rural Bantama village, Ghana. They were made by a carpenter in Kumasi approx 120 miles from Bantama. There are 100 desks and chairs for children plus four for teachers. They were transported by a truck which came down from Bantama to get them. Because the roads are narrow (only two carriageways, one going north and the other south) the journey takes 5 hours each way. The furniture was stacked in parts in the truck,  and is being made up on site.  The carpenter came up with the load and will work on assembling  the desks & chairs over the next few days, then he will return to Kumasi by public transport. The next thing is raising money to buy the teaching materials for the children (books, etc.), get the bookcases made up, then get in the inspectors (Ghana’s OFSTED!), then the school is ready to be opened.

Girl’s Football Team 11/11/2021

Well done to the Girl’s football team. They competed for the first time yesterday and did really well.  Thank you to Mr Hannan and Miss Horrocks for organising the event.  Mr Woodward

Remembrance Day 11/11/2021

I was very proud of all of our children today during our 2 minutes silence at 11am for Remembrance Day. You can see from the pictures that classes have worked really hard in learning about remembrance day.  Mr Woodward    Last Post

Children in Need day and PTA donation day

We have made a mistake in the diary and we have got the wrong Friday for Children in Need. I am very sorry for this mistake.  We will still go ahead with our non-uniform day for ‘Children in Need’ tomorrow (Friday 12th November) and you can donate to the official website if you choose to.  …

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Individual and sibling photographs on Monday 15th November

On Monday 15th November, we will be have have individual and sibling photographs. All pupils are to wear full school uniform.  Mrs Collins, Mr Hannan and Miss Kuczaj’s classes have PE on Monday and need to come in full school uniform. PE will still happen and will be adapted as the children will be in …

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Children in Need Friday 12th November

Friday 12th November is Children in Need and we will be having a non-uniform day. There will be no donation but if you would like to donate, please follow the link below to the official website.  Children in Need website Mr Woodward

Parent Questionnaire November 2021

Dear Parents and Guardians,  Please take the time to fill out the questionnaire below, your views are really important and have brought about positive change for our school. Parent Questionnaire November 2021 Thank you  Mr Woodward