Craig Woodward

Most commented posts

  1. Don’t Worry, Be Happy — 7 comments
  2. Girls Football Team March 2019 — 1 comment
  3. PTA Film night 22/10/19 — 1 comment
  4. Whole School Chester Zoo Trip 26/11/19 — 1 comment

Author's posts

Glossop Jog 2022 – Sunday 9th October at 11am on the Redgra near Pikes Lane

The Rotary Glossop Jog is back for another year.    It is a great community event that is well supported and raises money for local causes.  If you would like to join us, please fill out the form below and a sponsor form can be collected from the office.  Please arrive by 10:45am and find …

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School update meeting – Monday 26/09/2022 at 7pm

This meeting is an opportunity for myself and the senior leadership team to talk about the changes since the Ofsted inspection in 2019, school ethos and plans for the future.   We anticipate the meeting will be about 60 – 90 minutes and there will be a DVD in a classroom if you need to …

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Autumn 2022 school lunch menu

Autumn school lunch menu

Welcome back

Dear parents, carers and pupils,  I hope you have all had a fantastic summer and we are all looking forward to welcoming you all back on Monday.  We are all looking forward to the new school year, there are a number of changes and there will be more details in the coming days and weeks. …

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End year update

It is hard to believe that the year has passed so quickly. It has been a truly wonderful year in school, with a return to whole school collaboration and the children have all flourished. I am incredibly proud of our whole school community with how hard everyone has worked and putting the children’s needs at …

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Summer reading challenge

Wednesday 20th July 2022 Dear parents and carers, We would like to inform you of a Summer Reading Bingo challenge which your child/children can complete over the summer holidays, if they wish to. The challenge is from the Books for Topics website, which we use in school to supplement our curriculum with recommended reading books, …

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Co-opted governor positions

The governing body are looking to co-opt governors to join our governing body.  Being a governor in a school is unpaid and very rewarding, as an enthusiastic and committed governing body is at the heart of every school.  If you are interested in finding out more about what it means to be a governor, please …

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Weather forecast for Monday and Tuesday

The weather forecasts for Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th July are unusually consistent and it is likely to be very hot.  Please send your child into school with suncream already applied and with a hat.  Children can wear non-uniform on Monday and Tuesday and lighter colours are advised.  Measures taken in school. The blinds will …

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Year 6 Leaver’s Service Thursday 21st July.

Due to a number of logistical issues, the Year 6 leaver’s service will now be at school and not the church. It will be at the same time; 9:30am on Thursday  in the school hall.  Unfortunately, there will only be room for the year 6 parents and year 6 pupils. I am sorry for any …

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Summer music concert 13/07/2022

Thank you all for attending and supporting tonight’s summer music concert, it was a lovely evening and everyone played and sung brilliantly. I am very proud of them all and a big thank you to Mrs Collins, Mrs Southworth, Emma, India, Maria, Simon, Ed, Jeff, Ben and Mr Ford for working with the musicians and …

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