Craig Woodward

Most commented posts

  1. Don’t Worry, Be Happy — 7 comments
  2. Girls Football Team March 2019 — 1 comment
  3. PTA Film night 22/10/19 — 1 comment
  4. Whole School Chester Zoo Trip 26/11/19 — 1 comment

Author's posts

Flu vaccinations on Wednesday16th November 2022

The Derbyshire immunisation team will be coming into school on Wednesday 16th November for the flu vaccination. The Flu nasal spray will be offered to all children in Reception, Year 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. If you would like you child to have the vaccination, please read the letter below and follow the …

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Friday 4th November – non-uniform, donations, hot chocolate and clothing giveaway

There is a lot happening this Friday.  Pupils can wear non-uniform and bring in a donation for the Christmas Market and Fair. Donation Day (for Christmas Market & Fair) non-uniform (see below) Nursery, Reception Yr1 & Yr2 – Christmas items such as: crackers/ Christmas cards/wrapping paper/Christmas cards/selection boxes/Advent calendars/biscuits/baubles/gift sets etc. Please ensure any food …

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Nursery, Reception, KS1 and KS2 tours on Tuesday 1st November 2022

EYFS Open Leaflet  

Glossop Jog 09/10/2022

Thank you to everyone who took part and supported the Glossop Jog. All ,money raised by Rotary is used to support our community. 

PTA Newsletter

PTA Newsletter October 2022

Harvest Service 19/10/2022

Thank you all for joining our Harvest service. It was lovely to see all the pupils and parents back in church after nearly 3 years.  Thank you to Mrs Collins, Mrs Mackey and Mr Doyle for organising the service and music.  Thank you to the team at St James’ church welcoming us and a special …

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Harvest donations 19/10/2022

Thank you all for your donations and generosity. All the donations have been taken to the ‘Grace Kitchen’ and will support our community.  Mr Woodward

PTA Newsletter

PTA Newsletter Sept 2022

Parents evening Tuesday 11th and Thursday 13th October

Dear Parents and Carers,  We will be having parents evening in school on Tuesday 11th October (3:50pm – 7pm) and Thursday 13th October (3:50pm – 5:30pm). If you would prefer to arrange a phone call instead, please email the class teacher on the class email or using class dojo. Please note –  Nursery and Mrs …

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PTA AGM Invitation Tuesday 23rd September at 3:45pm

PTA AGM invitation September 2022