Craig Woodward

Most commented posts

  1. Don’t Worry, Be Happy — 7 comments
  2. Girls Football Team March 2019 — 1 comment
  3. PTA Film night 22/10/19 — 1 comment
  4. Whole School Chester Zoo Trip 26/11/19 — 1 comment

Author's posts

Import dates from W/C 12/12/2022

13.12.22 Afternoon performance Daisy and Honeysuckle Tickets to be allocated. 14.12.22 Afternoon performance Snowdrops Evening performance Daisy and Honeysuckle Tickets to be allocated. 15.12.22 Afternoon performance of Daffodils and Buttercups Tickets to be allocated 16.12.22 Year 6 Bake sale Please donate any cakes or biscuits for the sale on the day. Arranged by pupils and …

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Information about scarlet fever

Good afternoon,  Please see the letter below for information from the government about scarlet fever.  If your child has any of the symptoms in the letter or below, please keep them off school and seek medical advice. Please report any confirmed cases of scarlet fever, strep A, chicken pox, flu or impetigo to school as …

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Key dates for W/C 05/12/2022

06.12.22 LKS2 Trip to Liverpool KS1 Trip – Honeysuckles and Aloe Vera 07.12.22 Choir visiting ‘The Risings’ to sing Christmas Carols 08.12.22 KS1 Trip – Daisy Class

Boys football team

Well done to the boys football team, they have been playing matches against other schools on a Monday and have played really well. They have represented our school well and are great ambassadors for our school.  Thank you to Mr Hannan for organising the event and supporting the team. Thank you to Mr Allen and …

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Kids Art Club on a Monday and Thursday starting after Christmas

We are very excited to offer this after school art club with Miss Thomas, who is a very talented and experienced art teacher.  It will be an art club and there will be a focus on using recycled materials.  If you would like to sign your child up, please fill in the sign up form …

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Dates for W/C 28/11/2022

02.12.22 Christmas Market and Fair 5pm – 7pm– a range of indoor and outdoor stalls

Online Safety

Remembrance Service in school – 11/11/2022

We had a remembrance service in school today and I was very proud of all of the children.  Have a lovely weekend. Mr Woodward DSCN2054

Dates for W/C 14/11/2022

All the key dates for the autumn term are on the website and every Friday I will send out the key dates for the following week.  Have a great weekend. Mr Woodward 14.11.22 Phonics event – Parents meeting   Odd Sock Day Please come to the hall after school   Children are invited to come …

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Phonics information for parents Monday 14th November at 3:40pm

Dear Parents and Carers,  We would like to invite you to a phonics information session at 3.40pm on Monday 14th November in the hall. We will share how we teach phonics and early reading throughout Early Years and Key Stage one. There will be opportunity to visit your child’s class to look at resources and …

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