Update 23/10/2020 and Parents Evening

Dear Pupils, Parents and Guardians, 

We are at half term already and time has gone very quickly. This has been a very different start to the year but it has been  hugely positive. The atmosphere in school has been wonderful and I am very proud of all of our pupils. They have settled in well and all staff have been working really  hard to identify and close any gaps in learning and well being. This fantastic start to the year has been down you as parents and the hard work of all of our staff and I thank you all for all you have done for our pupils and school.

We all know from the media that cases are still rising and we are under either tier 2 or tier 3 restrictions depending on where we live. We must continue to follow all government and school guidelines to reduce the risk of spreading the virus in school and causing closures. 

A huge thank you to everyone who has followed our guidance. Please find below a reminder of this guidance. 

  • All parents or people dropping off and picking children up must wear a face covering unless they are medically exempt. 
  • Follow the one system in school.
  • Please don’t come into school or send your child in, if they are showing the following symptoms. 
    • New dry continuous cough.
    • Temperature over 37.8 degrees.
    • Loss of taste or smell. 
      • If your child develops, these symptoms, you will be asked to collect them.
  • Where possible, one adult per child or family coming into school.

Traffic near school

I fully understand that parking is very difficult on this estate but please avoid driving down  Chadwick Street as there have been a number of near misses. The last thing anyone in our school community wants is a child or adult being hit by a car.  

  • Please don’t park in the disabled bays unless you have a valid blue badge. 
  • Please don’t park in the staff carpark or near the garages. The land owner has stated legal action may be taken.

We know these are difficult times and we thank you all for your support in all of these areas. 

Scooters and Bikes

We fully support riding and scooting to school but make sure your child pushes the bike or scooter in the school grounds.

Parent Evening

Unfortunately, we will not be able to meet with parents in school but it is really important for you as parents to find out how your children are doing in school.

We are going to send report cards to parents on Friday 06/11/2020, which will report on effort in the key areas and you can arrange a 10 minute phone call with the teacher if needed. Please see the templates below.  Attainment information will be shared in January 2021 as it was last year. 

Autumn Term Parent Contact Form Nursery

Autumn Term Parent Contact Form Reception

Autumn Term Parent Contact Form KS1 and KS2

I hope you all have a fantastic half term break and we look forward to seeing you Monday 2nd November. 

Best Wishes

Mr Woodward