2018 2019

1.  Summary information
School Whitfield St James’ CE (VC) Primary School
Academic Year 18-19 Total PP budget £76,440 Date of most recent PP Review Jan ‘19
Total number of pupils 311 Number of pupils eligible for PP 58 Date for next internal review of this strategy Sept ‘19


2.  Current attainment
  Pupils eligible for PP (your school) Pupils not eligible for PP (national average)
% achieving expected standard or above in reading, writing & maths 33% 64%
% making expected progress in reading -0.47 0.3
% making expected progress in writing -1.66 0.2
% making expected progress in mathematics -5.39 0.3
3.  Barriers to future attainment (for pupils eligible for PP)
Academic barriers
A.    In Maths, gaps in knowledge and basic fluency skills


B.    Fewer PP children achieved the expected standard in all areas
C. Some PP children have a higher risk of poorer mental health and well being
D. Enrichment opportunities for all PP children to achieve cultural capital
Additional barriers
E. In some cases, inconsistent attendance and punctuality.
4.    Intended outcomes (specific outcomes and how they will be measured) Success criteria
A.     A larger percentage of PP children will achieve national expectations in Maths

–       Targeted teaching/small group intervention

–       Ensure PP children consolidate basic number skills





Invest in revision guides, small group intervention of First Class @ Number. Change in teaching so that key ‘fluency’ skills are being taught.
B.     Higher percentage of PP children to achieve combined expected standard in line with national average.

–       Internal data – Target Tracker

–       End of year summative assessments/SATs

Meeting with PP children, identifying personal barriers. Half termly/termly progress meetings. Investment in revision and question books to support learning at home and school.
C.     All PP children will be able to express their feelings and be ready to learn.

–       Boxall assessments

–       Pupil Voice/Qualitative assessments

Introduce nurture group for children that need it. Invest in staff meeting time to train teachers and TAs. Invest in resources to support nurture group.
D.     All PP children to receive enrichment activities and take part in cultural … (especially HA PP)

–       Take part in when they arrive (France trip subsidies)

–       Qualitative assessments

–       Pupil/Parent voice questionnaires

No PP children will miss out on opportunities that other children have. School will talk to parents to ensure that their child does not miss out on opportunities.
E.     Increased attendance for all PP children and in line with national expectations.

–       Monitoring attendance daily and weekly

–       Breakfast club (Rise and Shine) register

–       Pupil and Parent Voice

Reduced number of persistent absentees. Breakfast club offered free of charge and a healthy breakfast offered. School to proactively contact parents about lateness and absence.


5.  Review of expenditure
Previous Academic Year 2017-2018
Small Y6 group provision – smaller Maths/English support with experienced teacher – Progress levels for disadvantage pupils increased (shown by internal data) and within confidence levels nationally. 33% of disadvantaged children met the Y6 expected standard compared to a predicted level at the start of the academic year. Lessons learned – more intervention needs to be accessed earlier – names to be on teachers planning and all teachers are aware of pupil premium children – so always in the forefront of their minds while planning. Further development of intervention strategies (SENDCo support where needed) and quality first teaching strategies. Staff to access CPD where appropriate.

Access to ‘Rise and Shine’ provision, although no quantitative data can be accumulated, children that attended this club were ready for school, had a safe place to come to in the morning and key people to access throughout the school day (club is run by in-school teaching assistants). The children were therefore ready to learn. To continue this next year, ensuring that all pupil premium pupils are invited again and have the opportunity access breakfast club. Introduce a ‘homework’ or ‘reading’ opportunity so that ‘extra’ learning can take place where necessary.

Access to wider opportunities, curriculum enrichment activities, subsidies for school trips –  This allowed all pupil premium children the opportunities that their peers receive (learning an instrument/going to Edale/visiting a Roman settlement). The impact this has on their self-esteem and self-confidence is qualitative measure but this then impacts the impression PP have of school and therefore impacts their learning. Responses from parents and children were overwhelmingly positive. To continue next year, with focus on children gaining new and inspiring experiences.

Subscription to Behaviour Support and Educational Psychologist – this allowed children to access learning in the classroom, personalised provision and therefore impacted their progress. This means that not only the children are getting the support they need but the teachers are able to access support and CPD.

Interventions taking place (First Class @ Number/Talking Time etc.) – this allowed trained members of the staff the opportunity to target pupils in different areas so that they can make measured progress. Lessons learned – ensure that this continues next year to make sure that targeted support is available where required. Also, as a school we will look at providing interventions earlier in PP children’s school life – give PP children the opportunity to access support as soon as something arises and with a focus on Maths.


6.  Planned expenditure
A Academic year 18-19
The three headings enable you to demonstrate how you are using the Pupil Premium to improve classroom pedagogy, provide targeted support and support whole school strategies
    i.   Quality of teaching for all
Action Intended outcome What is the evidence and rationale for this choice? How will you ensure it is implemented well? Staff lead When will you review implementation?
To improve maths across the school through Maths Mastery Further embedding maths fluency and planning for greater depth learning. Sutton Trust found that the effects of high quality teaching are especially significant for pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds: over the school year, these pupils can gain 1.5 years’ worth of learning. -Monitored through data analysis.

-Through monitoring impact of teaching on learning (lesson observations, book looks, learning walks and summative assessments).


-CPD opportunities.

LF/RC/CH/CWo September 2019


Cover costs/resources to be purchased



Year group setting and smaller group Y6 intervention. All Year 6 PP children to make progress in line with all children nationally from the same starting point It has been evidenced that smaller groups and ‘good or better’ teacher/TA to child ratio has had a positive correlation to academic success. -Termly tracking of data

-Gap teaching so that individualised learning is taking place – monitoring of group work.

-Pupil progress meetings.

Year 5/6 staff + LF/CWo September 2019




Plus ‘extra’ resources


£1000 – CGP

Opportunities for CPD for all staff. Whole school CPD opportunities to ensure teaching is of a good or better standard. July 2016 DfE Standard for teachers’ professional development state that: ‘Professional development must be prioritised by school leadership’ as this development can lead to good or better teaching and learning. -Through monitoring, performance management and staff evaluations. LF/CWo Termly


Cover CPD/Cover costs


Total budgeted cost £36,000
  ii.   Targeted support
Action Intended outcome What is the evidence and rationale for this choice? How will you ensure it is implemented well? Staff lead When will you review implementation?
To improve mental health and well-being for PP children through Nurture. Children will be ready to learn and have a greater self-confidence/esteem The EEF toolkit state that social and emotional learning interventions have an identifiable and valuable impact on attitudes to learning and social relationships in school. They also have an average overall impact of four months additional progress on attainment. -Monitored through boxall assessments

-Observations of groups

-Parent/Pupil Voice

-Priority for staff meeting time

JE/CG September 2019


Staff meeting time – inviting outside agencies to present £500




+Staffing at average £8.72 ph – £9000


Increased attendance rates for pupils eligible for PP. All PP children to attend school in line with other children. Children can only make progress if they are in school and accessing lessons. -All PP children offered ‘Rise and Shine’ morning club, staffed by teaching assistants from school.

-Attendance regularly communicated to PP Lead and then chased up.

-Legal consequences for consistent and unauthorised low attendance.

CW/LF Termly.


Attendance £1000


Staffing of Breakfast Club- £6000 – at average TA wage

Food costs – £1000

Half termly meetings with PP children. All PP children to have the opportunity to meet with LF to share successes with achievement and any barriers for learning. All PP children see that they have a ‘champion’ that is there to help support them. -Meeting notes

-Pupil voice

LF Half Termly.



£1000 cover costs.

Use additional teachers /teaching assistants for targeted teaching.

Additional staff/student teacher capacity

Diminish the gap in attainment for Y6, Y2 and Y1 PP pupils Smaller group/targeted intervention provides children with the support in the areas they need. -Monitoring of teaching in small groups.

-Summative assessments

LF/CWo £10,000



Total budgeted cost £30,000
 iii.   Other approaches
Action Intended outcome What is the evidence and rationale for this choice? How will you ensure it is implemented well? Staff lead When will you review implementation?
Offer trips/ wider opportunities to PP children across the school to expand their experiences. Increased opportunities for cultural and curriculum visits/experiences funded by school including HA PP. No child should miss out on opportunities to develop their cultural capital.  -Monitoring participation of events, trips, wider opportunities/ club registers. LF September 2019


£5000 – plus additional funding for enrichment activities in school time.

Peer massage to be introduced to the school. All staff to be trained in Peer massage and all children including PP children, will be able to regulate their emotions. “Findings indicate the intervention had a positive effect on children’s relationships both in the classroom and in the playground: increasing social networks, creating a sense of calm and reducing aggressive behaviours.”
Education and Research Centre at Brighton University 2008
-Staff training so that all are aware of how to teach it.

-Monitoring from PSHE lead.

EF September 2019


£1500 – training for all staff/resources purchased

Procure the service of Educational Psychologist/ Behaviour Support and safeguarding course for DH To improve educational outcomes for all pupils at Whitfield St James’. To ensure that PP pupils’ personal development and welfare needs are met. Some children need professional intervention, observations and assessments to help support their learning in school. -Children with additional needs are identified and strategies put in place to support them.

-Pupil, parent and staff voice

-Monitoring impact of learning for PP children.,

LF April 2019/Financial year.


£822 EP Silver package plus expected £1000 top up.


£900 BS plus expected £1000 top up.


Course – £300

Provide uniform for those PP that need it. To ensure that all PP children have access to school uniform if they require it. This goes some way towards ‘masking’ some of the inequalities that exist and enhance self-esteem. That all children are ‘equal’ and look like their peers removing some sigma. -Families will be contacted if there is a need.

-PP Parent Voice

LF/CWo September 2019.



Total budgeted cost £10,822