Good afternoon,
I hope you are all well.
Since my last message yesterday, there have been more confirmed cases of Coronavirus in school. The people who have tested positive are all symptomatic but are feeling better. Please be aware that our advice and opening may change. We will give as much notice as possible and thank you all again for your continued support.
Classes Reopening
Following advice from Public Health England, the following classes will open tomorrow (14/07/2021).
- Miss Taylor’s class
- Mrs Fletcher’s class
- Miss Ratcliffe’s class
- Miss Weir’s class
- Mrs Collins’ class
Class Closures
The classes below will remain closed – please see the information below.
There have been confirmed positive cases in school and Public Health England have instructed the following 5 classes need to isolate.
Nursery – Isolate until Saturday 17th July 2021 and return to school on Monday 19th July 2021.
Mrs Allan’s class – Isolate until Saturday 17th July 2021 and return to school on Monday 19th July 2021.
Mrs Mackey and Mrs Cox’s class – Isolate until Saturday 17th July 2021 and return to school on Monday 19th July 2021.
Mr Doyle’s class – Isolate until Tuesday 20th July and return to school on 20th July 2021.
Miss Warburton’s class – Isolate until Tuesday 20th July and return to school on 20th July 2021.
Case numbers and symptoms
Since my last message yesterday, there have been more confirmed cases of Coronavirus in school. Case numbers are rising in this area and Public Health England had advised all parents follow the advice below. We really want to finish the year without further closures but we can only do this if everyone follows the guidelines.
If your child has the following symptoms, you must keep them off school until they have tested negative on a PCR test.
- a high temperature – this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature)
- a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)
- a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste – this means you’ve noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal.
If your child is showing any of the symptoms outlined in blue below, from the letter from Dean Wallace, director of public health, they must have a PCR test. The letter doesn’t say they need to isolate until the result comes back but I request that they don’t come into school until the result comes back. I don’t ask this lightly as it goes against everything we believe in and want the children in school. However, this is to keep our school community safe and reduce the chance of further bubble closures and the need to isolate. Please inform school using the child absence form on the website, text system or phone school to notify us and we will authorise the absence.
Extract from letter by from Dean Wallace, Director of Public Health.
We are now seeing the Delta variant become the dominant variant within Derbyshire County as it
is across the country. It has been recognised that those people testing positive with the Delta
variant may have other symptoms aside from a high temperature, a new continuous cough and a
loss or change to sense of smell or taste – which are the main symptoms of coronavirus.
The additional symptoms are:
• tummy ache
• sore throat
• headaches
• runny nose
• sneezing
• joint pain
• muscle aches or generally feeling
• loss of appetite
• diarrhoea
• feeling or being sick
• muscle ache
• feeling drowsy
• tiredness
If anyone in the school/early years community (parents/carers/siblings/staff) has any of the above
symptoms we are advising you to get a PCR test – tests that are sent to a laboratory.
Isolation and Google Classrooms
For those children isolating and we will provide work Google Classrooms, as we did during the last lockdown. Those children and staff must isolate in line with the government guidelines and must not come into school to pick up siblings. Please see the NHS isolation information below. These are not school rules, they are government instructions and law. Please follow the guidance to reduce transmission, keep people safe and avoid a fine or prosecution.
Everyone’s circumstances are different, if you have no other choice but to keep siblings off school, please notify school (as above) and the absence will be authorised.
I know this is a lot on information and more posts will follow about specific arrangements in the coming week.
Take care of yourselves and thank you all for your continued support.
Mr Woodward