The topic for Mr Hannan’s, Miss Kuczaj and Miss Warburton’s classes is ‘Scream Machine’ and is based around theme parks, designing roller coasters and is specifically designed for transition from Year 6 to Year 7. Now we can start going on trips again, we would like to take the classes to Alton Towers on Tuesday 14th June. There will be a voluntary contribution of £15 per pupil for the trip. If enough contributions are not received by Friday 20th May, it will not be able to go ahead. If you would like your child to attend and would like to discuss financial support, please contact Mr Woodward directly.
On the day of the trip we will be leaving school early and will arrive back after home time, these times will be confirmed closer to the trip. Please note: in accordance with Derbyshire’s risk assessment policy, we will not be going on any of the water rides.
Please fill in the form below whether you want your child to go or not.
We may need to request adults to come with us and support with groups on the day. Please fill in that question if you are available and would like to come. Please be aware that in line with our policy, we don’t put parents and their children in the same group. Names will be picked out of a hat.
Please fill in the form below.
Mr Woodward